ViEmme SRL has 3 vertical automatic warehouses for the storage of the final products.
In the main site (called ViEmme 1) there is the warehouse called Lista, it is a single bay one, it is 6 meters high and it has 50 trays (more than 2 and a half meters wide). In the second location (ViEmme 2) there are 2 warehouses called Modula which have double bays. They are 8 meters high and have more than 50 trays each.
In just over 29 m³ all ViEmme products find an orderly and clean location; using a dedicated software it is possible to consult and manage the codes for loads / withdrawals and stock control. Furthermore, interfacing with the management software allows you to prepare the goods to be sent automatically and precisely.
ViEmme is a leading company in precision machining, it can process large part machining and has 6-axis CNC machining.